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PPAP(Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pie) Recipe

Today's Oishiy recipe is ''PPAP(Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pie)''. Just WATCH and enjoy dancing, singing while cooking. Inspired by Piko-Taro version of Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.


4 serving

Pineapple Slice 300g (canned)
Pineapple Syrup 45ml (canned)
Pie Sheet 400g (20m x10cm=100g x 4)
Apple 1 pc (Cut 120g / Grated 30g)
Egg Wash 1
Chocolate Pencil

Sugar 15g
Lemon Juice 5ml
Butter 10g
Corn Starch Slurry 5ml


1.Cut apple into quarter, grated 1/4 of apple and cut the remaining apple into small cut.
2.In a pan with low heat, combine pineapple syrup, sugar, butter, lemon, cut apple, grated apple, corn starch slurry, and mix.
3.Then add cinnamon (put the amount you like), stirring occasionally for about 4-5 minutes or until it become soften, then off stove and set aside.
4.Cut pie sheet into (10cm x 10cm)=4pcs. Pie sheet on top cut into about (1cm x 10cm)= 32 strips.
5.Place cut pie sheet, put pineapple, apple filling, and put cut strip pie sheet on top.
6.Brush with egg wash. 
7.Bake (200/400°F) for about 20minutes or until crust is golden brown.
8.Serve with ice cream (optional) and chocolate pencil on top. 